Kiosk Guides for Learning

Great ability develops and reveals itself with
every new assignment
Baltasar Gracian,
1601 - 58
Spanish priest/author

Options in project management

Completing classroom assignments

This eight-step exercise will help you effectively work through
a challenging assignment:

  1. List three of your homework assignments,
    the most important first
  2. Why did you think the top choice was the most important?
  3. What is one challenge
    that may stop you from completing it?
  4. What time and place will be best for working on the assignment
    without interruption and
    with the most concentration and creativity?
  5. What strength or interest of yours
    has helped you complete a similar assignment?
  6. Who is the target audience of the assignment?
    Who are you writing for?
    How does this "stakeholder" relate to the objective of the assignment?
    (Remember: a teacher can be your target audience!).
  7. If your past way of working has not been effective,
    is there an alternative strategy you can use?
    Who or where can you go for advice?
  8. What is one option that can make the assignment
    more interesting or enjoyable? How can you challenge yourself?

After completing this exercise below, or simply writing out the answers,
take them to your teacher, advisor, and/or parent for review in order to
build on your progress!

Assignment links

Completing a class assignment | Organizing challenging projects |
Project management (.pdf organizing form) | Developing case studies |
Spreadsheets and budgets | Setting your (school) budget |
Presenting projects/speeches | Public speaking |
Presenting your positive image/brand | Public speaking match game

Seven stages of writing assignments:

Index | Develop your topic (1) | Identify your audience (2) |
Research (3) | Research with notecards | Summarizing research |
Prewrite (4) | Draft/write (5) | Revise (6) | Proofread (7)